She is from Britain and two years ago became the Amateur Boxing Association female national champion for her age and weight in June 2009. She will be one of boxing entrants in the three weight classes for Britain in the Olympics. One final detail she is a Muslim. Her ring name is A. KA. Beeno.
The British press and Muslim blogosphere is supplying the fodder to feed the bull that will shit the crap about Muslim this and Asian that and Fighting Prejudice and What do Muslim men think or whether she will wear clothing in accordance with hijab in the ring. All the publicity clouds the atmosphere such that Sharky&Sharky cannot even figure out if she is going to be in the 2012 or the 2016 Olympics. Maybe someone should write something about her talent (which appears enormous) and bouts going forward instead all this non-boxing crap.
As these two photos from The Telegraph and Argus portend: She flirts like a butterfly and stings like a wasp (A wasp stings more than once you know). Sharky&Sharky only hope that she and all of Britain enjoy a pretty nice silver medal.
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