Believe It



“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one:

who does not obey shall not eat.” Trotsky


It does little to be right due to the laws of man,

and dead due to the laws of physics. - Unknown


Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd or stick of dynamite by the safe end. - unknown


In America's Policy and Political game the tax paying citizens do not yet comprehend that they are the dummies. Sharky&Sharky


Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police

how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.


No statement should be believed because it is made by an authority.
Robert A. Heinlein


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

President Hu's Repo List...The real state of the Union

After his brief stay in the US, China's President Hu has left a short repossession list. It will become apparent after tonight's State of the Union give away program that it is time for China to start repossessing  parts of the US. All President Obama will do tonight is continue to eviscerate the American economy. Everyone hearing this evening's speech on Tuesday January 25, 2011 will be looking for the state of unity in the President's State of the Union Speech; Sharky&Sharky will hearing the affirmation of the state or promise of disunity.
The President will mostly likely give a speech filled with flowing oratory and people based tear rendering examples. However the rhetoric will be intended to continue the economic evisceration
Depending on your sources the US owes China from $.9T to $1.7T. Here is a quote from the Washington Times:
Mr. Johnson, a former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund, estimated that China owns about $1 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities, or nearly half the $2.37 trillion stock of Treasury debt held by “foreign official” owners.
The amount of U.S. debt held by China is even higher than that, said Eswar Prasad, an economist at Cornell University.

Under the widely held assumption that 70 percent of China’s $2.4 trillion in foreign exchange reserves is invested in dollar-denominated bonds, Mr. Prasad told the commission that China probably holds about $1.7 trillion in U.S. government debt.

That would include the more than $400 billion in debt issued by U.S. government agencies, such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose obligations are liabilities of the U.S. government, Mr. Prasad said.
We all know how good that Fannie and Freddie collateral is. For those who want the precise numbers by countries here is the US Treasury site. Here is chart from a nonofficial source by smfrogers that is only meant to give you a picture of the situation.

In an effort to ameliorate China's anticipated losses when the US joins Ireland and Greece, President Hu in an exclusive gave Sharky&Sharky the short list of China's repros. China will be demanding that the following be handed over to cover our debt. Sharky&Sharky's have included comments:

(8)NASA: China is Demanding NASA immediately. Why Immediately? The US is gutting NASA and the talent will be lost. There is only one future missions planned for NASA. The Japanese are providing meals on wheels service to the International Space Shuttle. The US is planning to use the Russians as our taxi service to from space in that Barry and Congress will put US's meager funds into its fruitless give away programs. Here is a clip from ABC in Houston

China and Russia will find something for the US to do in space. How about teaching rap and hip hop to Martians? Perhaps our days of innovation and creativity are over.

(7) Drone missile technology: Good Choice! China already has stealth bomber technology. China has already paid for their stealth technology; it would be a great aid to the Red Army if they could jump right into the drone technology feet first.

(6)  Abrams tank technology: Another excellent choice. This will make China  the badass mamba jamba in Asia.

(5) All US Carbon Credit offsets. Wow These China boys are thinking long term. Since the US is going Green with all the money that China has lent the US, thus China is entitled to the offsets. China will need the offsets in that they will continue to produce billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide to deliver the products that the world demands. Also China will use the offsets to keep everyone's respect.

(4)General Motors; The US owns GM; thus the US can sell GM to China. China already owns $500M of GM. The China consumer is GM's largest customer, 2.35M cars sold in China, and it is not profitable for GM to return the profits from China to the US. According to BusinessWeek Chambers CEO of Cisco:
Chambers, 61, has said that he wants to bring at least $30 billion in cash back to the U.S. and that tax laws make it too expensive to do so. He’s called for a tax repatriation break,
The US might as well leave all the money in China. China will sell the US all the Cadillacs and Chevy trucks and Corvettes that the US desires.

(3) Walmart: These folk really know how to distribute. They are in China today. they are doing very well.

Now with these six items, China will be very very happy and we in the US will owe China nothing. Barry can spend and help all of the poor people and the poor nations all over the world.

You say what about 2 and 1. President Hu says, "Forget about it".
We dominate all of your top universities; look at your campi and see our people are the dominant minority. China is the only country upon which the US has college entry limiting quotas.  We already do all of your manufacturing. Look at your eye glass frames; they are from China. Look at your IPOD's, Dell Computer's. If it was not for China you could not even have Christmas lights. Like I said forget about 2 and 1. You really have nothing left. I think as you Americans say, 'you are a pussy'.


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