Believe It



“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one:

who does not obey shall not eat.” Trotsky


It does little to be right due to the laws of man,

and dead due to the laws of physics. - Unknown


Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd or stick of dynamite by the safe end. - unknown


In America's Policy and Political game the tax paying citizens do not yet comprehend that they are the dummies. Sharky&Sharky


Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police

how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.


No statement should be believed because it is made by an authority.
Robert A. Heinlein


Friday, January 21, 2011

WTF: Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Limbaugh you hurt my feelings...Hu's on First

It appears that Mr. Rush Limbaugh has hurt the political sensitivities of our Chinese American politicians US Rep Judy Chu and San Francisco State Senator Leland Yee as well as other Chinese Americans. Mr Yee is famous in California for leading the charge to pass a law that ok's speaking a foreign language in  your own business. (President Hu when you return to China, take Mr. Yee with you and show him how China treats people that try to speak openly. Mr Yee can you say Liu Xiaobo.)

This is true WTF. People get American rights (like Congresswoman Chu and Leland, can I call you Leland well I guess I just did)  and unlike Martin Luther King they do not expand on those rights and liberties they use their liberties to shut people up...WTF.

Here is Limbaugh trying to be funny. Personally Sharky&Sharky think that he could have been funnier. Here is the KTVU site that has a nice clip which appears to be nonembedable (Thanks KTVU), with comments by local offended civic leaders. I will apologize if it turns out to be that I could easily embed the site.

Now lets talk. First Mr. Limbaugh is a news commentator, an opinionator, and a satirist. Second this is still America. Satire seems to be a lost art or it is only to be used by those that are on the left against those on the right. Satire and ridicule are part of freedom of speech, especially the ridiculing of a political leader, whose primary message is, "I have come to bury you; however since I have so many of your bonds I will bury you in style". We find JR's (that is Reverend Wright to those outside of Chicago) comments to be ok and acceptable but not Mr. Limbaugh's. If Mr. Limbaugh were a Black, Hispanic, or Muslim would then his comments be as acceptable as JR's were to President Obama for two decades.

No matter how inane you feel Mr. Limbaugh's comments are he has the right and the liberty to say them. If you take or mute this right in anyway you trammel on all of our rights to speak out. The American Chinese are at base American's They should view his "chinese speak" as humourous or failed humor. If they begin to feel this false indignity as adults that all children (Yes All children) felt in school at being called physiological or culturing disparaging names then join the long suffering White Americans of European origin, American Indians, Black Americans, the Hispanic Americans, and the newly suffering Muslim Americans, and everyone else that has a gripe. During all of this moaning and false pain, you will miss the point on being an American. And you will miss the point that President Hu deliberately glided his comments on poor human rights over to speaking on growing opportunities for economic development in China.

In that we are requesting apologies, I want one from the Chinese. An apology is demanded for the satirical efforts of the Chinese Backstreet Boys. Their funny but demeaning imitation of one of America's beloved institutions erodes the trust and respect that our two countries should have for each other.



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